Dental Solutions

Oral Cancer Screening

Oral cancer is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition, but early detection can make all the difference. At Implant Club, we prioritize your oral health, and that includes comprehensive oral cancer screenings as part of your dental care.

Our skilled team utilizes advanced screening techniques to identify signs of oral cancer in its early stages. This quick and painless procedure is vital to safeguarding your overall health. Regular oral cancer screenings at Implant Club ensure we can provide timely intervention and support when needed, giving you peace of mind and the best chance for a healthy, cancer-free smile.

Bone Graft & Sinus Lift

The bone graft and sinus lift procedures at Implant Club are vital steps in ensuring the success of your dental implant journey. Bone grafting involves the placement of bone material to regenerate and strengthen areas of the jawbone that may have experienced bone loss. This process not only creates a solid foundation for your dental implants but also enhances the aesthetics of your smile.

Additionally, our skilled team offers sinus lifts, a procedure that increases the vertical height of bone in the upper jaw, particularly in the sinus cavity area. This procedure is often necessary when there is insufficient bone for the secure placement of dental implants.


Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ/TMD) can lead to a range of uncomfortable symptoms, from jaw pain and headaches to difficulty in opening and closing your mouth. At Implant Club, we understand the impact that TMJ/TMD can have on your daily life, and we're here to help you find relief.

Our expert team specializes in diagnosing and treating TMJ/TMD, offering personalized solutions to alleviate your discomfort. Implant Club is committed to restoring your comfort and well-being. Whether through therapeutic exercises, orthotic appliances, or other methods. Say goodbye to TMJ/TMD discomfort and hello to a life of pain-free, unrestricted jaw movement.

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a common yet often undiagnosed condition that can significantly impact your overall health and quality of life. We understand the importance of restful sleep and are here to help you overcome sleep apnea and enjoy rejuvenating nights.

Our skilled team specializes in diagnosing and treating sleep apnea, offering personalized solutions to improve your sleep patterns and overall well-being. Whether it's through oral appliances, lifestyle modifications, or other therapeutic methods, we are committed to helping you breathe easier and experience peaceful nights of sleep. Say goodbye to sleep apnea-related disruptions and hello to a refreshed and revitalized you.

Airflow GBT Therapy

Airflow Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT) is a cutting-edge dental treatment that goes beyond traditional cleaning methods to improve oral health. This innovative therapy uses a combination of air, water, and fine powder particles to gently and effectively remove dental plaque, stains, and biofilm from your teeth and gums. It's a comfortable and efficient way to maintain oral hygiene and promote a healthier smile.

At Implant Club, we believe that every patient deserves access to the most advanced and comfortable dental treatments available. Airflow GBT Therapy is just one of the ways we're committed to enhancing your dental experience. Experience the difference with Airflow GBT Therapy at Implant Club, where a brighter, healthier smile is within reach.

Oral Surgery

Corrective Jaw Surgery

Corrective jaw surgery, also known as orthognathic surgery, is a specialized procedure that addresses misalignments in the jaws, providing both functional and aesthetic benefits. This transformative surgery can significantly enhance your facial harmony and chewing function.

Asymmetrical Occlusion

Asymmetrical occlusion refers to an uneven bite, which can lead to discomfort and dental issues. Our skilled team offers solutions to achieve a harmonious bite, ensuring a more comfortable and balanced oral environment.


Malocclusions are irregularities in the alignment of your teeth and jaws. We specialize in diagnosing and treating these issues to enhance both your oral health and the function of your smile. Our treatments are meticulously tailored to restore proper alignment, ensuring a seamless and harmonious outcome.

Maxillomandibular Surgery

Maxillomandibular surgery is a procedure that corrects severe misalignments of the upper and lower jaws, enhancing both function and appearance. This surgical intervention can have a profound impact on your overall oral health and facial aesthetics.

Airway Correction

Airway correction procedures are designed to improve breathing and address issues related to sleep apnea and other respiratory concerns. Our interventions aim to optimize your airway for better quality sleep and overall health.

Overbite/Underbite Correction

Overbites and underbites can impact both oral health and facial aesthetics. Our solutions focus on achieving a balanced and comfortable bite, ensuring improved dental function and a more harmonious smile.



We utilize the iTero intraoral scanner, a cutting-edge digital tool that enhances the precision and efficiency of various dental procedures. This technology allows for highly detailed 3D impressions of your teeth and oral structures, improving the accuracy of treatment planning and the overall patient experience.

Digital X-ray

Our digital X-ray technology minimizes radiation exposure while providing precise and immediate images for diagnosis. This technology enhances our ability to detect dental issues and develop tailored treatment plans efficiently.

High Beam CT Scan

Our complimentary high-resolution CT scanning technology offers detailed 3D images of your oral and maxillofacial structures. This advanced imaging capability aids in the planning of complex procedures such as dental implant placements, ensuring precision and optimal outcomes.

Digital Photography

We employ digital photography to document and analyze your oral health. This visual tool enhances communication with patients and supports treatment planning by providing a comprehensive view of your dental condition.